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StoriesEvents GivingEveryTuesday

Share Stories of Generosity and Inspire Others

In 2018, GivingTuesday leaders in Kibera, an informal settlement near Nairobi, Kenya, planned a neighborhood-wide storytelling campaign to showcase the generosity of the people who live there and change the narrative on who can be a giver. “By sharing these stories, we wanted to feature ordinary people doing extraordinary things and to lift up the incredible work being done by residents of Kibera,” said Victor Odhiambo, the creator of the campaign. There was an offline component with big poster boards to show off some of the stories. “We found that it really inspired others to share their stories as well, creating a ripple effect that will yield more good.”



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    Host a Nonprofit Fair

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    Make Volunteering Easy

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    Have examples of generosity in action in your community? We'd love to hear about them!
