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How to Find a Nonprofit to Support on GivingTuesday

21 Nov 2023 by GivingTuesday

GivingTuesday is an open-source social movement, so there isn’t a list of participating nonprofits. You can give to any social good organization, whether they’re a registered charity or not. Whether you want to give your time, talents, voice, or financial support, here are some tips for how to find a nonprofit or community organization to support on GivingTuesday.

Decide what types of causes you’d like to support.

If there’s a cause you care about, there’s most likely an organization that dedicates itself to creating change in that space. For example, if food insecurity in your neighborhood matters deeply to you, consider the multitude of ways you can contribute to food access, from volunteering at a food bank or community center to supporting community fridges or mutual aid food distributions.

Keep in mind the organizations making the most impact might not be registered charities. Tax status doesn’t determine an organization’s worthiness of support, and it’s not an indicator of impact.

Ask your friends and family where they choose to give.

Odds are you might be interested in similar causes as the people closest to you– why not support the same organizations? This is a wonderful way to ensure you’re giving towards initiatives that have a profound impact on your community. This is a great way to leverage collective efforts to drive even more giving to causes near and dear to you.

Search through a nonprofit directory.

Online directories like Charity Navigator and Guidestar by Candid are helpful for learning more about organizations in your region and/or interest area. These virtual platforms also typically also include information such as ratings, location, status (i.e. whether it is a 501c3 registered nonprofit), if donations are tax deductible, quick summaries of their impact and results. Some GivingTuesday country movements also publish directories of organizations.

Check out your local nonprofit association.

Nonprofit associations are dedicated to upskilling organizations, but they also work towards sharing the great work of local nonprofits. Their websites and social media channels are packed with important information on what these nonprofits do and where to find them to send your support!

Use social media to connect.

Use social media to find local activists, community organizers, and changemakers. They’re well-versed in what immediate needs are in your community and will be thrilled to help direct you to where your help would be the most impactful. Social media is a great way to connect with community organizers, activists, and mutual aid organizations which deserve our support just as much as registered charities do!

Check if there’s a local GivingTuesday movement happening in your area.

There are official GivingTuesday movements in 90+ countries. This means there are individuals, organizations, and coalitions that work year-round to unleash radical generosity in their corner of the world. They run special campaigns around GivingTuesday (Nov. 29) that you can join by raising awareness, peer fundraising, acts of kindness, and more.

Lastly, don’t forget to share where and why you’re giving this GivingTuesday with your friends, family, and social media followers – you never know how much more giving you can inspire!

Will my donation my matched on GivingTuesday?

The organization that powers GivingTuesday does not match donations on GivingTuesday, but often, in honor of GivingTuesday, many companies organize match programs. The nonprofit you choose to give to will be able to advise if your donation is eligible for a match. Please check with your employer as well – many offer donation matching as part of your HR benefits package!

Don’t forget to share where you gave!

Want to make your gift go even further? Share where you gave on your social media pages! By sharing where we give, we can inspire our friends and family members to give too. And that’s how we inspire a more generous society, rebuilding our social fabric and build the world we all want to live in.



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