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#GivingTuesday Global Summit

20 Jul 2017 by GivingTuesday

On June 19 and 20th, 35 Global Leaders from 22 countries met in person in Ljubljana, Slovenia to share best practices and to plan for #GivingTuesday 2017. The Global Summit is an annual event organized by the central #GivingTuesday team at 92nd Street Y to bring the Global Leaders together in person to collaborate and share ideas. From Armenia and Brazil to Singapore, leaders running national #GivingTuesday campaigns all shared what they’ve learned and their plans to grow #GivingTuesday in their countries.

Some fun facts from the Summit:

  • 14 languages were spoken at the event
  • Every continent (except for Antarctica) was represented
  • We welcomed new leaders from Panama, Puerto Rico, Armenia, Slovakia, and Liberia
  • There are now 29 national #GivingTuesday movements
  • The group has more than doubled in the past year (check out this photo to compare!)

Leaders discussed how to inspire more local campaigns, building a culture of giving, data and funding the movement, and other shared challenges and strategies for #GivingTuesday. They heard from special guest speakers including Victoria Vrana from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Beth Kanter. They also discussed the potential for #GivingTuesday to address specific needs within their country, especially around how to get people involved in philanthropy and giving back. Check out the word cloud below with highlights from the conversation!

In addition to workshops and presentations, the Global Leaders explored Ljubljana and the neighboring town of Bled.

And this is just the start! Italy is the most recent country to officially join the movement, and the 92Y team is in many more conversations with potential Global Leaders for 2017. If your country is interested in learning more about becoming a Global Leader or would like to connect with the organizer in your country, email our team at info@givingtuesday.org.

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