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Download the 2021 Lookback Report

Thanks for your interest in From Scarcity to Abundance: Mapping the Giving Ecosystem – GivingTuesday Data Commons’ 2021 lookback report. Filled with trends + insights for fundraisers + generosity practitioners alike, the report lays the foundation for a rethinking of how the social sector understands – and cultivates – generosity. Download the report using the link to the right.

The GivingTuesday Data Commons is a ground-breaking research collaboration between 300+ collaborating organizations and 50+ global data labs focused on uncovering new trends and insights on giving and generosity. We explore giving behaviors and patterns, movement growth, and altruistic behavior in order to identify and share the best practices that help drive increased generosity at a global scale. The  Data Commons’ design and structure models the distributed leadership and peer learning environment that are the foundations of the GivingTuesday movement. The GivingTuesday Data Commons is the largest multinational philanthropic data network ever built.

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