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GivingTuesday’s Global Leaders Share How They’re Amplifying Voices in Diverse Communities

12 Oct 2021 by GivingTuesday

GivingTuesday is a global movement that unites us by celebrating generosity in all its forms. Since its launch in 2012, GivingTuesday has grown to include more than 75 official country movements around the world, each led by passionate local leaders. These leaders adapt the movement to local cultures and traditions to inspire people to make the world a better place, one generous act at a time.

At the 2021 GivingTuesday Leadership Summit, Anita Gallagher of #UnDíaParaDar Mexico and Karin Rupia of GivingTuesday Tanzania shared how they adapted GivingTuesday to amplify a wider range of voices. In both countries, storytelling puts the spotlight on giving in all its forms and has been key to opening the door to new allies.


As part of Mexico’s GivingTuesday movement, the team launched #YoDonoPorque, a special campaign that invites people to share how they give back to their communities. The campaign coincides with Mexico’s Independence Day and speaks to generosity as a core value of Mexican identity. It also helps build momentum toward GivingTuesday.


“We knew it would be a challenge because Mexico has a culture that says giving should be anonymous,” Gallagher said. “What worked was putting out all this imagery with colorful branding with the hashtag and saying, ‘There’s a story behind every act of giving. Tell us yours.’ Everyone can be the protagonist in their giving story.”

People have been receptive because the ask comes directly from individual organizations. Their stories are combined with compelling graphics that nonprofits share as social proof, resulting in greater trust in donating, in the organization, and in GivingTuesday in general.

In Tanzania, storytelling campaigns are also engaging new communities, including younger people and mostly offline communities. Rupia said local giving traditions are often more informal, revolving around weddings, assisting extended families, and faith-based giving.

As in Mexico, #MyGivingStory in Tanzania has been a catalyst for changing ideas around generosity. “Documenting our stories of giving was a new thing,” Rupia said. “Being able to browse through past years’ giving stories allows us to share them today as inspiration. They allow us to connect offline and online communities.” 

Civil society organizations play a large role in activating community aid and have been instrumental partners in growing participation in GivingTuesday and gathering people’s stories. “We approach like-minded organizations to help us spread these offline stories through their various online platforms,” Rupia said. “This has helped engage younger people in GivingTuesday.”

Adapting GivingTuesday to how people live and give will help expand your reach and increase generosity. The best part: You’re not alone. You’ll find a ton of support and inspiration from GivingTuesday leaders around the world on our Resources page.

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