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Cape Town, South Africa

Torsten Koehler

Torsten Koehler is a testicular cancer survivor, author of the book “Love Your Nuts – Testicular Cancer Touched My Life” and founder of the cancer charity “Love Your Nuts.” Torsten was born and raised in Namibia but has been a Cape Town resident since 2007. He followed his passions – photography and design – until the end of 2016 after leaving the teaching profession in 2005. Since 2017 he is working full time for his foundation with the best job description ever: talking balls and saving lives. Torsten is now sharing his story through different platforms to educate about this young man’s cancer.

The goal of Love Your Nuts is to raise awareness of testicular cancer by educating communities about the rarely spoken about cancer that often remains undetected in young adults due to our diverse society in South Africa, where cultural taboos, stigmas and a lack of knowledge about the subject is widespread. Torsten gives educational and motivational talks at schools, corporates, and events. The organization supports men diagnosed with testicular cancer emotionally on their often lonely journey because men don’t talk easily about their feelings.