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Vancouver, Canada

Amie Peacock

Amie is an aggregator, creative, global social weaver of people who live in Greater Vancouver of British Columbia. Amie used an entrepreneurial mindset to change the landscape of social isolation, loneliness, and mental health bringing awareness to others. She founded Beyond The Conversation out of her own personal pain. From that tiny concept,  the initiative has grown to represent 24 countries and 22 languages today.

“Generosity is giving something to another person without expecting in return.”

- Amie Peacock, Vancouver, Canada

Beyond the Conversation

Beyond The Conversation strives to create a “home away from home” for people who feel like they don’t belong. We create social relationships for people who feel isolated; for new immigrants, vulnerable seniors, international students without a support system in Canada, or for anyone else feeling disconnected from their community. We come alongside them and help build lasting relationships and connections. We invite each of them to get involved in the life of their community. In the process, many gain life skills applicable to their future and have sensed a place of belonging. The participants find meaningful and authentic relationships built on trust, which are essential ingredients of holistic life with purpose. These relationships then give birth to more enriching connections in our participants’ lives, and the ripple effect is exciting to watch. We believe that together we can create a better and equitable future for all. “The importance of our work is in the process, not in the destinations.”